As the Great Shift in the Ages progresses, you may be hoping that all will magically turn out for the best. You may not know that you can assist yourself and humanity in ascending into the loving harmony and abundance of Unity Consciousness. You may not realize that you have an important contribution to bring into the new Golden Age of Enlightenment. It takes living as your True Self to fully awaken and live as your own Divine Presence. Yet is there anything more important? In the last few years your Presence has been in council with the purpose of the DIVINE PLAN, so we could support you in making your full ascension in this lifetime. We are here to provide that support at this auspicious time in your great awakening - The Ascended Masters of the Councils of Shamballa
Therefore, be at the 1st WORLD PARLIAMENT ON SPIRITUALITY to witness the great “SHIFT” in your physical embodiment. You can invite all those of your family and friends to be with you during these 5 days event.
It is indeed AWE INSPIRING for the whole of humanity. It just needs you to say YES and confirm your participation. The last date to register yourself for the early bird offer is 30th August 2012
Dr.Yugandhar GR MS
Convener & Secretary General
1st World Parliament on Spirituality
Convener & Secretary General
1st World Parliament on Spirituality
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